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BITE HELPER® Itch Neutralizer
Deal Price$24.99
Suggested Price$39.99
You save 37%
DescriptionImportant DetailsReviewsRelated Products
This Proven Wellness Device Offers Heat & Vibration to Soothe Itchy Skin
- Returns accepted within 30 days of shipment for orders within the Contiguous US.
4 Reviews
4.8/ 5
All reviews are from verified purchasers collected after purchase.
Leo Hansen
Verified Buyer
Seems to work pretty well. Of course so does Windex. this seems to last with longer relief though. I think it is worth the investment.
Aug 6, 2022
michelle davis
Verified Buyer
It really helps, itching is greatly reduced but does not entirely go away unless you reapply multiple times.
Sep 28, 2021
Trevor Covert
Verified Buyer
I've been one of those people that attract mosquitoes and a normal summer is having at least a dozen bites in various stages of healing from May to September, but this is a game-changer! I immediately put this on a bite and within 45 seconds the itching is gone! The best!
Aug 13, 2021
Jeremey Davidson
Verified Buyer
I don’t like itch creams...this thing is great! Kids and wife love it too. Batteries seem to last quite a while too.
Aug 13, 2020
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